Pokemon Adventures Manga
Pokemon Adventures is my first manga read ever. If I didn’t recall wrongly. The rest are kinda fuzzy, so they didn’t really made much of an impact on me XD. Why the use of “is”? Because currently I am reading it again. The story seems draggy and I think everyone would have given up, but sometimes when you see that you have bought 20 of the manga series, you just have to continue yes?
In addition, the story links all the character one way or another. Lovin’ it.
I am currently at Volume 10. Woots, Pokemon FTW!

i have a dark secret. i used to be a pokemon fan as well when i was younger.
@ gordan: pokemon ftw!
[...] public links >> pokemon Thursday… First saved by JuleoAngel | 0 days ago Pokemon Adventures Manga First saved by inductress | 7 days ago radical, new, funny … First saved by abombss | 13 [...]
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