Site Layout Changes
Sorry for the lack of updates. I have a number of posts in line now, but I was busy the entire day altering changes to the layout XD. Yeah well the changes might be minor, and you may even say “so what?”, but the change is done so that viewers can have easier viewing and this is all so to make the entire site more pleasing to the eye. Overall I am very happy with that layout/changes. Weee!!
Can you spot the change? Lol.
Twitters are now located at the right sidebar. Gallery Picture link is no longer at the left sidebar. Instead I have shifted it to become as a “link” with the other pages. Also, I just added something called Domtabs. It is currently in testing mode, I have yet to configure how the hell I can change the background color and all, because nothing I do works! T_T. I’m guessing this has something to do with the div class in my php file. The CSS has already been altered. (Goes to thinking mode)
There are three tabs. The main active tab will be the “Featured” tab, while Tags and Top Posts have to be manually click by you. Top posts lets you view the most popular hits with the readers. And one good thing about tabbers is that no loading is required when you change tab!(The entire thing loads when you visit a page/post ^^)
I changed the post width, so we can have larger picture with dimensions of 500px. Yes I spent a good 3 hours doing because I was looking at the wrong file the entire time. When I finally realised my mistake, my 3 hours were gone just like that -_-. Also, the More-Menu(Green Right Sidebar in a Singple Post) has been shortened to 160px. Was getting irritated with the loooong menu at the side when we could have more content!
I also added a RSS Feed picture with Konata to the main page and onto the Single Post page. That way you guys can view our feed link easier! XD. Time to add zotaku to your Feed Reader! ^^
Don’t know about you, but I’m completely happy with the results. Haha XD
EDIT: I am also going to add a blogroll page will be doing that in a few days time. If you added me to your blogroll and I have yet to respond, this is because I am currently in the process of making a blogroll page. =)

[...] you go, do read up on the post where I wrote the changes I made to the site just hours ago [...]
Wider pictures banzai!!!
Tabs banzai!!!
Konata banzai!!! XD
Zen gets cakey for all her hard work!
Good work ^^
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