Zero no Tsukaima ~Princess no Rondo~ Episode 13 Cancelled
I am in despair. So you know Zero no Tsukaima is ecchi, and I can’t be seen watching the episodes. So I always watch ZNT at night T_T. And what’s more, some bad news has struck me hard! According to Sankaku, the last episode of Zero no Tsukaima ~Princess no Rondo~ will not be aired. It is said that the final episode will be included in the final 4th DVD of the anime series. There will only be 12 episodes aired in total.
There are those who point out that a children orientated station might have difficulty with a determinedly ecchi anime such as Zero no Tsukaima.
Zero no Tsukaima is nothing compared to Sekirei! LOL.
I hope this is not going to be true.. *crosses fingers* I can hear Louise Fanboys screaming in despair right now.

*Hides from angry fanboysXD
The main boy looks cute in that picture.
Now this is a stab in the gut. >_<
Or.. Kanokon.
Now that’s a shame, hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for the DVD release >_>
That sucks :(
a-w-w… That sucks! I was really looking forward to the ending of ZNT3 and expecting it to be very good… because of the failure of ZNT2. Well, I guess I can wait… but they MUST make sure it would be worth waiting for.
I dont really expect anything from zero no tsukaima (not the novel though!)) anymore ^^;
No way, this is unfair, how could they do something like this? Well I know why, they are after more money…! that`s it, and if they make it longer, eventually come more money, this is really bad, but, I really Love Louise ( I saw your note zenical and I dont like it, I preffer Zero no Tsukaima over another Anime ecchi, but WTF, we all have different tastes )
@ bluesnow: Go watch the anime!
@ Optic: are you bleeding yet? ^_^”
@ Arayden: Lol. Sekirei pawns
@ Saku: yes, definitely
@ Arachnicus: Hope it won’t be too much fail. =/
@ andra: why not?
@ Sesshoumarux: Lol that wasn’t what I mean. Ecchi is it, but heck, I still watch the anime regardless! ahahaha.
@ Zen: I have watched itXD The first season at leastXP
@ bluesnow: What about Season 2 and 3? XD
My interest in watching the 2nd and 3rd season was lower than watching the 2nd season of ShanaXD
I only watched the first season because I was home sick haha.
whaaaaaaaa?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! =’[ no more siesta nor tifa!?!?! =.=” this sucks… =/ and ya sekirei way worst than zero no tsukaima…
i wana c the last episode!!! <(‘.’<)
thats a bummer… i did hear it was being aired on xmas day, will there be a series 4? :S if not *crys*
There is an OVA – Episode 6.5 isnt there?
yeah it sucks man, was really looking forward to viewing it, watch the whole season, the way they struggle live situations and most imporatantly their love life. I really love this anime coz it is so lively and lovely
Is ther going to be another season !?!? Like COME ON!!! We neeed MORE!!! I want to see if they get married and stuff.. !! Like COME ON!!!!
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