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1/7 Kawazoe Tamaki

Written by: zenical on 1 October 2008 at 11:14 am 4 Comments

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Just saw this on amiami, and I am truly confused as to whether or not, to order this figurine. She looks just like that in the anime! Comparing with Kotobukiya’s Tamaki which was released in August, this figurine is definitely something to look forward to. And yes, I still have no news of my Tamaki from my local store -_-.

1/7 Kawazoe Tamaki

Would have been a instant get if they made Tamaki hold her shinai XD. This figurine would released in December by Griffon Enterprises and would be retailing at a price of 7,140 yen.

She’s standing at a scale of 1/7 – approximately 21cm tall. ^^

Hobby Search is taking preorders of her now. Get for you? I love her expression! Ahh!

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  • bluesnow said:

    awwww~ she looks pretty good.
    Her clothes and gear look really detailed too.
    If I had watched more than 2 episodes of a the show I might be a fan of her’sXD


  • James said:

    love her but won’t buy because i hate griffon … still waiting for my shana (out in june 2008 , yeah sure …)

    they can’t respect a release date :/


  • GNdynames said:

    I need find time to watch Bamboo Blade…


  • zenical (author) said:

    @bluesnow: WATCH NOW!

    @James: I get what you mean.. LOL. I’m still waiting my Tamaki frm Kotobukiya -_-

    @ GNdynames: It’s an alright show.. I just love how Tamaki gets fired up XD


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