Figma 025 – Shana Flame Hair Version
This is the highlight of my day ^^. Figma Shana Flame Hair Version is officially up for preorders. Shana from the anime series Shakugan no Shana is going to be released as a Figma too. Wonder if they’ll produce the remaining cast? ^^
She will be released in December at a retail price of 2,500 yen. Hobby Search has her up for preorders already. Oh yeah!
She even has a melon pan in the flame haze version(does she? Heard rumors that melon pan is with the black hair version only =/) =D. Her face looks a bit odd, but maybe it’s the melon pan. I think she looks fine when she holds her sword.. Hm, whatever, it’s still an instant get for me!
She will also have a Black Hair Version which is said to be a mail order exclusive – scheduled for release in March 2009. Well, I like the Flame Haze style more, so I’ll probably skip out on the Black Hair Version.

Get get get! =X
Me also thinks getting flame haired version only. Gonna be broke liao =(
Her hair looks great=D
But her smile scares me for some reasonxD
Not too used to her face… yet (her chin could have been a bit ‘pointier’). Would like to see her in tsuntsun face again~
Change her face with Mikuru’s face = Win.
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