Volks’ 1/7 Nanoha Series Figurines: All 3 of Them! Plus a Fourth one too?!
This information was out 3 days ago, orz. And it slipped my mind to post about this. Triple Nanoha Poisons! Nanoha, Fate & Hayate! Wait there is a fourth one too?!?! Omg! I want Fate! These will be available only(duh?) at Volks Online Store Exclusives. Reservations will also open for the upcoming Comiket 75 this month!
Nanoha is expected in May 2009. Retail Price is 8,379 yen.
Fate is expected for a July 2009 release, also retailing at a price of 8,329 yen!
Hayate will be released in June 2009 for 8,329 yen retail price too.
In addition, it is said that you will receive a 1/7 Vivio figurine if you order all three. Vivio will be out at the same time as Fate. Seriously, though the thought of having a Vivio is nice (because that is the first) but only Fate stood out most to me. Love her pose. Might consider getting her through TokyoHunter. What about you? First time I wanted a Volks Figurine so badly! T_T Will you wait for Alter’s one?XD
View more pictures here.

So then…people overseas won’t be able to order them? Since they’re exclusive?
yup i have contacted TokyoHunter as well. price will not be cheap but at least he’s trustworthy.
Price is a bit hefty, but Hayate is far too ace to not buy!
My wallet is hurting… >_<
I want the Fate figure….
Fate looks nice. Her chest is a little too ’stand out’ though imo
Volks ships to the US; if they are selling it on their JP online site they may be able to help you
try contacting them
Too expensive so no.
I have Signum on preorder so plz don’t try and tempt me. >_<
I gotta watch the series first, unfortunately though I don’t even have enough money for Fate/Stay Night figures T.T
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