Happy New Year: 1/1/09
Happy New Year!! 2009 has began. For what we know, 2008, has been terrible for the economy. Well let us hope that 2009 the economy will improve so that all of us can continue buying like crazy again x). Or are you guys still buying like crazy? Haha!
So I did not go to any countdown; My friends don’t do those type of activities, and well I rather stay in at home and watch television. Blame me for being lazy or what, I just hate the crowd here sometimes XD. What about you? How did you countdown to 2009? Sit and rot at home like me? XD
I went out today to run errands. Pathetic way to spend my first day of 2009 like this, running from one point to another point to settle stuff… And well, not expecting to spend money today at all (Merely of passing things here and there) I ended up spending 40 bucks buying this..
Yeah it’s the separate piece of the O Raiser to dock together with my 1/100 00 Gundam I bought back in AFA08. Not expecting to see this for sale in Singapore since shops tend to stock up on items that are more profitable, or cheaper to import in..
Happy New Year to all readers! For 2009, I hope we will be able to post more posts regularly, and maybe I should add that zenical should stop procrastinating XD.

[...] her mom’s clothes and deciding what will be part of the garage sale. We looked at a few Happy New Year: 1/1/09 – zotaku.com 01/01/2009 Happy New Year!! 2009 has began. For what we know, 2008, has been terrible [...]
I must say 2009 isn’t looking very cheap at the moment. Seeing as i’ve already got like around $200 worth of figures alone, not including paint, air brush+compressor, resin kits and misc stuff that I’m planning on getting.
For countdown, I was half drunk playing cards with a bunch of people, I did somewhat count down though, but it’s a blur right now XD
That’s to say, I got $200 worth of figures that I’m planning to buy (will probably last until June, unless if Danny introduces more Saber -_-;)
Happy New Year!
Lets make this year great!
Happy New Year!!!! Another year for more figures/gunplas ^^. Lets hope the economy is getting back to normal.
At least you did get something nice to start off the year. Happy New Year, and wish you all the best for 2009! Looking forward to your 00 Raiser~
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