Home » Figurine

1/8 Yuki Nagato Extravaganza Version

Written by: zenical on 17 January 2009 at 2:37 pm 4 Comments

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Once you get one, you have to get all three. Max Factory, concentrating so long on Figma, is finally producing scaled figurines. And what other way to make their “comeback” but to release Haruhi Series Figurines?

Yuki Nagato

At a scale of 1/8, Yuki is retailed at a price of 7,800 yen. She will be available this coming May 2009. Preorder her at Hobby Search today =).

Not getting this because I am completely absorbed into collecting the Nanoha Series figurines. My wallet can’t support another series of figurine-buying. I still have Nana-sama singles/concerts/dvds/albums to buy! ^^

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  • Optic said:

    “completely absorbed into collecting the Nanoha Series ”
    what happened to saving up? :P

    Yeah, I’m getting her and the whole set. Might cancel Alter Louise to fit this set in.


  • gordon said:

    i already pre-ordered all 3 of them at a local store. they sure aren’t cheap. pre-order deposit itself needs S$50 for each. O_O


  • Paul said:

    These are beautiful figures, and Yuki is definitely my favorite. Unfortunately, I couldn’t justify sinking $300+ into figures this year. :(


  • GNdynames said:

    With the weak Canadian Dollar I can’t even hope to complete my Fate/Stay Night collection. This is out of the question.


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