New Loot: Hocchan Live DVD
The lack of posts these few days is partly due to me busy settling my personal stuff, while trying to maintain my anime-watching speed and also blog etc.
In fact yesterday I was feeling a bit emo because I had a parcel delivered but I was outside! And CDJapan only emailed me yesterday that they “shipped” out my parcel, but actually they shipped my parcel out last friday. Lol. They’re too efficient XD.
Well I went to the Post Office Headquarters to collect my parcel since I refuse to wait for another day ><.
Presenting Yui Horie Christmas Live Concert that was held on 24 December 2007! Bought it using my 500 yen coupon I had, in total I spent 7,300 yen for it(including shipping). Expensive.. but heck, I bought it anyway XD.
When I took the parcel, I was thinking why was the box so heavy – it only contained 3 discs and shouldn’t be that heavy.
Turns out that there was a picture book with the concert. O_O Cardboard picture book. SUGOI! *fangirls*
Thinking that it was impossible to be given the picture book(it was supposed to be under first press release that one would get the picture book), I went to dig my dustbin for the plastic wrapper I just threw away. (LOL)
Holy sh1t! XD I actually was given a first press! However did that happen XD.
Expensive this concert might have cost me, but being so lucky to be given a first press, I can’t help but fangirl more. Lol.
Impressions would be posted later, stay tune. I’m going back to watch Hocchan <3!

LOL. Fangirl gone wild huh? xD
Hmmmm… I will just stick to my figures. :P
@ Optic: Im still in the midst of doing my impressions. orz.
i wonder what did i do to open this can of yuri ROFL
[...] can be considered the 2nd Hocchan-related CD I bought since my last parcel from CDJapan(arrived last Tuesday!) [...]
[...] with that, I bought the 2 Live Concerts performed by Hocchan. And though I have yet to review the 2007 Christmas Live Concert, let me do it in the order of release eh? [...]
[...] and according to cdjapan, they are long sold out. I recall Zenical doing a loot post about this item where she got the First press edition even though she ordered it late and the First Press edition [...]
[...] have already briefly covered the contents of the LIVE DVD like 2 months back, so I won’t be posting more images of the DVD [...]
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