Shakugan no Shana Season 3
Last night, Bluesnow was telling me Season 3 has been confirmed for Shana. She was asking me whether I like to post this up, but the lazy me was writing this post at the point of time.
Anyway on to the news!
The July issue of ASCII MediaWorks’ Dengeki Bunko Magazine will reveal on June 10 that the “Shana Project is restarting” with a “new anime in development” for Shakugan no Shana.
It seems that recently all the popular anime shows have started making their appearances with sequels (haruhi psst). Season 3 of Shakugan no Shana will air in October later this year.
Well can’t say that I’m not happy.. I barely remembered what happened in Season 2. LOL. Hopefully Season 3 will impress me, and please let Shana express her feelings so we can have a little bit of romance in the show.
Source: ANN

“I barely remembered what happened in Season 2.” Really!!!???
Season 2 was one of the best sequels in any series I’ve seen in a long time.
I’m surprised Season 3 is out before the end of the year. WOOT!!!!! Can’t wait. ^^
Moar urusai urusai urusai? Haha oh wow.
[...] some semi-related news: So many Shakugan no Shana posts which tells about a sequel of the anime? Wat? Shakugan no Shana III? [...]
This is a sign. Haruhi’s back. Shana’s back.
Is Lelouch gonna be back????
“Is Lelouch gonna be back????”
Nuuuuu~ No more sequels lolxD
It would just give an excuse for people to say “I TOLD YOU SO” when Lelouch really is alive lol.
Meh… Shana do not like =X
So is good Zen made this post and not me hahahaxD
I liked Shana S1. S2 got a lil’ boring. S3 will probably be another Yuji + Shana fights Hecate throughout the entire season all over again.
Do correct me, those who read the light novel.
So after Haruhi ends her rampage comes Shana. Got a mixed feeling to be honest. First season was alright, and back then I did have a hype of some sort when 2nd season was announced, but now I worried whether they are going to have the horrible pacing again, and seriously a lot of things there were either rather insignificant or just keep on dragging (for me). Well, we shall see how things go when it does come out.
I’ve not seen Shana S2, just like how I didn’t finish Zero no Tsukaima S2 and Nanoha A’s. I’ll probably end up marathoning it. First season of Shana was great though, it was actually an anime that I stayed up to finish when I was at school.
[...] most favourite character, and after a long time, she’s finally making a comeback! Thanks to zotaku for the info by posting in his [...]
ow no..!!
season 3 will be aired on october late…!!
happy buy a little sad..
ow no..!!
season 3 will be aired on october late…!!
happy but a little sad..
teh real moeru loli ish finally back XD
in the light novel yuji picked up shana and tells her that he loves her (yuji to shana) as well as shana also him the same thing also but then… yuji became strong and had a GOD like powers… back then shana and yuji had a little problem.. that caused them to argue a thing that affected their relationship, they ended in a battle, but with “Sairei no Hebi” the true leader of bal masque inside him or (him) so Shana had no chance of defeating him.. so yuji decided to kidnap her away to Seireiden.
who is lelouch? and i m staying in malaysia can see seoson 3 in ok\ctober?
Now I got spoiled on what this huge arc the novel readers are talking about, thanks to Apolo hahahahaha…
Im staying in philipines, can we see it here too on oct??
well, im hoping yuji to express his feeling to shana, i like it when guy say it 1st
i am staying in malaysia can i see the seoson 3 in oktober?some1 giv me an answer.
Welcome back Shana, I am hoping to catch it (even though I forgot what happened in season 2. lol i am getting senile :P)
one way to see season 3 is to use streaming sites.
Yes!! Theres a season 3, its gonna come out when zero no tsukaima’s 3 season is finished so it might be up the summer of next year.
The Shakugan no Shana III
Crimson Destiny
Chapter 1 –the new Flame
Its been 10years since the last battle between the Sereiden and the Flame Haze Shana ,after the battle Shana disappeared without leaving any trace,shana sacfrice herself to prevent the distortion from spreading ,after that there were no more trace of tomogara appearing on misaki city ,yuji sakai tries to search for shana ,but his search was hopeless
Yuji sakai has been living on his own ,he bought an apartment that was supposed he and shana was to live together,he is working part-time job at convient store, but the peaceful days of yuji sakai will soon end.because there will be a battle much more harder than the battle he fought 10years,ago.yuji sakai was going to his home after work when an informant from the group called Outlaw saying that they spotted a red hair girl with a sword Figthing some Rinne that has escaped from the sereiden,the info also contain that the girl was spotted within the misaki city. After hearing this news Yuji Sakai quickly rush to find this girl,then he saw the girl the group outlaw was talking about,the girl was surrounded by 3 rinne .then within seconds the girl quickly defeated the Rinne, Yuji sakai
Was surprised to see her face.he quickly goes to the girl but before he could get near the girl ,the girl pointed the sword at him saying “who are you, Yuji Sakai replied its me don’t you remember me ,we fought together right 10years ago.the girl saying “I don’t know what are you saying abou,yuji says that your shana ,don’t you remember who you are.the girl replied again my name isnt shana, my name is Mio kifune,yuji sakai still insisted that she is shana,but mio kifune says if you say one more that my name is shana, I promise Im going to kill you.then try it Sakai Yuji Sakai says.Mio said Arent you afraid to die.yuji told the girl that isnt a human anymore yuji told mio he was a mystes and carrying a Hougu Called Reiji Maigo. Mio Ask what is this Reiji Maigo you,re talking about,yuji sakai explains it to all to Mio ,after hearing that Mio puts back her sword, yuji
Sakai ask Mio what are you ,me I m a human my is called A merchinary a person who can hire for a job,Yuji ask again how did you defeated those Monster,even mio don’t know how she did do it.yuji ask mio if she could help to find shana, Mio ask is this person important to you,yuji says “yes” but Mio tolds Yuji that he must help Mio to find who really she is ,the two quickly agreed.
If any one of you wants this story or not, then vote to this link
but I’m not happy with this story.
This is season 3?? ^ Honestly? Shana’s gone? I’m not exactly good at reading Jap but I’m pretty sure that’s not how the novels are going right now.
And Zero no Tsukaima III ended already. Moons ago.
OMFG!!!! When is it gonna be released!!! im gonna pull every string i can to get one copy of THAT!
NOOOO!!! No more Shana??? Whats going on??? And can’t yuji control his powers… i know he can… why did yuji not try to find Shana? I seriously hope that the novel answers all my questions…. hoping for the anime <3 :D
But I hope that yuji find shana on the first or second epi ^_6
i want everything related to shana…….
i want the season3 be played in the philippines……
i cant wait……
i really love shana…..
” i am the flame haze of alastor,the flame of heaven,i am known to be a hunter with red hair and blazing eyes
my name is shana ! “……
If Season Three is confirmed then it’s all good, from the information I have, Season 1 & 2 actually have something in common and it’s the period of time the show starts and ends. Shakugan no Shana Season One: October 2005 – March 2006 & Shakugan no Shana Second: October 2007-March 2008, They’re exactly on the same month and the year is also in order, too, October to March, 2005-2006, 2007-2008.
If I’m not wrong, Shakugan no Shana Season Three will start on October 2009 (This year) to March 2010, it’s not October of this Year yet so it’s not confirmed that my guess is wrong yet. Still glad that there’ll be it.
tell the the most importan thing mlysia can watch shana s’3 in oct?
Aus!!! Shakugan No Shana is very popular in the Philippines since TV5 aired the show… cant wait for season 3… luv u shana!!!
I can’t wait for the season three!!! Will it be titled Shakugan no Shana Third? I want to see more of Yuji kicking some Rinne ass! “Using his silver flames and infinite power of existence produced by the midnight lost child (Reiji Maigo) And more fight between Yoshida and Shana for Yuji’s love! I hope this time it will last more than 24 episodes!!! ^_________^ I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!
Wodeful, I can’T WAIT OF SEASON 3 TO come but I have to be patient
Yahoo, I am too cazy to wait of the coming season three but I have to very patient but keep waiting will make be more cazy! Is there a way to stop me being cazy.THINK THINK THINK !COME ON
umm….. excuse me if in season three, if shana is not there,then i wouldn’t be called shakugan no shana anymore
Im also from the philippines and i’ve been waiting for this since i finished watching season 2 ^^ guest i’ll watch the first two seasons again while waiting
that would be great!!
Lol we have many shana fans….
Catch it on streaming sites if you guys want to watch it fast or wait for your local tv station to broadcast it. =)
Update: Not a 3rd season but an OVA instead. 0_0
[...] posts this month are: Shakugan no Shana Season 3, PS3 Returns in My Life, Kuroshitsuji Season 2!, 1/7 Takamachi Nanoha Exceed Mode, My 3 Loves [...]
[...] Shana Season 3 is no more! (Thanks to Optic for pointing this out [...]
Because I really wanted a 3rd Season and not just an OVA.
My heart was crushed when I found out. :(
i hope that you”ll come back the shakugan no shana 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or i”ve watch the shakugan no shana 3!!! *-*
kelan ba papalabas un S3?????
wooooooot wooooooooooot!! ~_~ cant w8 for the season three… though it wont take that long.. i really LOVE anime like this.. please hasten it.. hahahah!!! shana.. :D whom did sakai choose?? hhhmmm… hehehe.. shana shana shana!! hehehehe!! yeah!! coz we dont want sakai’s bestfriend to be lonely also.. ;3 DARN!! STILL 83 DAYS BEFORE OCTOBER!!! AMP!! BUT I’LL WAIT…………..
no, i dont want shana to express her feeling, yuji should say it 1st. guy say love 1st is more romantic dont you agree
I like the shana series so far… S2 got boring at some parts, but it was still good. S3 needs more of the romance that we see barely any of in S2.
and hopefully that means that they will start working on another season of zero no tsukaima
the ova that u r talking about is the “SHAKUGAN NO SHANAtan”
the mini shana :LOL:
Just finished season’s 1 and 2 and its a dream for season 3 to be coming. I wonder who if they will show more of the story about Pheles and Wilhelmina. Besides there seems to be some questions about what happened with them and Johan. SEASON 3 MAKE IT HAPPEN!
cANt w8 to watch the seAson 3
of shakugan no shana……
Can’t wait for you SHANA!!!!!!! <333
OMG OMG OMG plzzzzzz cant u make them any faster!!!i cant w8 for it till october plzzzzzz…..
oh i know how about i frezze myself till october then watch it …….
this anime ROCKKKKKKS!!!!!!
I’d really like for Shana to express her feelings as well… I’d love for there to be a little romance in it. Too bad its totally out of character, and the last scene of S2 will go horribly wrong like every other time she tries XD
hi…shakugan no shana,,,,,,,,,,,,season 1 and season 2 really great ,,,i hope season 3 also air in malaysian astro television…O.O
yeh..go shakugan no shana 3..i hope more pipz well support this anime..its the best.!^_^
cant w8 for d season 3 ……. i love shakugan no shana very much
more powers ^^
I hope hirai yukari is back in season 3.. T_T
o.o samgirl? trolling?
The show’s pretty awesome yeah know if you gave it a chance. It’s just a little draggy.
S1 was fun, S2 was a huge disappointment. They should just redo the important points of S2 and mix it with the content from S3 to make a new “S2 version b.” I wonder how much longer the LNs will go on…seems like we’re reaching a climax.
ohh… i can’t wait until october…(-_-)
So, i actually have to survive september without Shakugan no Shana.
Im Glad i didn’t seen that beatyfull anime earlier coz’ it would be sad to w8 almost 2 years for Season 3.
I heard season 3 will be last, it’s sad and happy coz after everything ends i won’t be addicted to this anymore.-i think so XD.
wow i really miss shana
hope its all true that season3 will be air on October
Omg~ I think this post has more capslock trolls than my Kuroshitsuji post xD
Lol that person is retarded, posted comments using different names -_-. Stupid troll. STOP TROLLING!
The hs not ben kill yet.Is the show stop now what will hepen!.In SHAKUGAN NO SHANA 3 yuji must have a litel bro or sis man that will be great.I can no’t wait to see SHAKUGAN NO SHANA 3 yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 3. 3 ɐuɐɥs ou uɐƃnʞɐɥs ɹoɟ ƃuıʇɐʍ ǝq ןןıʍ ı nuɐƃƃuǝɹǝʇ ɐısʎɐןɐɯ =NOTE:i leve in malaysia terengganu i will be wating for SHAKUGAN NO SHANA 3
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