Shana Season 3 After OVA [Updated]
There’s no need to despair anymore.. Shana Season 3 is no more“BACK”! It will premiere after the OVA Series. (Thanks to Optic for pointing this out 2 times LOL)
Today the August issue of Newtype magazine revealed that it will be an OVA series, entitled 「Shakugan no Shana S」.
Quoted from an Animedia August issue:
We launched “Shana Project” with a view to ending the Shana anime series. Before moving on to the third season, we need to describe the backgrounds and the relationships between the characters more in detail. So the project began with the OVA series.
The fans who commented at Shakugan no Shana S3 post are going to be very upsethappy at this. OVA and Season 3 eh?? XDXD.
Meanwhile, fans who can’t wait for the OVA to premiere in October 2009, can go rewatch Season 1 and Season 2. Lol.

Actually. I’m very much thankful that it will be an OVA and not a made for TV full fledged series.
Lesser of that censoring bullcrap
Focus more on the key storyline instead of taking way too long to finish off an arc than needed.
While M is happy, I’m not. >_<
My anticipation got crushed!!!!!!!
Haha. Optic, what did you feel about the Season 2 of SnS? I mean I was hyped up crazy for it but I unno, it sorta died near the end, much like how most animes seem to be for me nowadays.
Moar Shana do not want Dx
Is it wrong of me to be envious of anime series that never seem to die when my favorite series are never ever completed???
I loved it from the beginning to the end. I really thought the 2nd half was the best. To date, it’s still by far one of the best sequels I’ve watched. I thought the ending was rushed but it was still good.
BTW, there IS a third season. I just found new info where the OVA is followed by a third season.
*Activating fanboy mode*
darn. an actual season 3. oh well, I guess when it’s nearer to the series release, I’ll try to hype up again, probably to get disappointed again but oh well.
Im happy when I found out that there will be an OVA of Shakugan No Shana that entitled as “Shakugan No Shana S” that will be release on Oct. 23, 2009, but I’ve been shock when that my friend told me that the “Shakugan No Shana Season 3” will be release on february 2010 OMG!!!!!!! it really shocks me. I don’t know if its real, I wish not cause I want to watch it on October this year.
Oh I forgot if you want to see the trailer of “Shakugan No Shana S”
Here is the link:
I will tell you something that I know about this movie that Shana and Yuji has mysteriously trade personality,
it means that Shana is in Yuji’s body and Yuji is in Shana’s body.
If you want to know some more then watch the movie when it release. Thanks =)
XD yey.. shakugan no shana OVA is so good.. i really love shakugan no shana… i hope we have more episodes came..
btw guys.. message me on facebook if we have the latest news.. from shakugan no shana.. thx……. this is my fb
sorry for my bad english XD
I think I have to watch season 1 & 2 again.. –”
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