Postman-san delivers Hocchan’s Honey Jet!! to Me
Tags: Album, Nana Mizuki, Single, YUI, Yui Horie
HAHAHAHA the fangirl in me is feeling so high and happy. Somehow the parcel containing Hocchan’s 7th album got shipped out to me even EARLIER. I already have it before Japan’s official release date. I was expecting it to get on 15th July 2009, but somehow it was just delivered -_-. Parcels take around 2 days later to arrive in Singapore from Japan. So I guess it got shipped out from Friday? XD
I feel so high now XDXD
From left to right, top to bottom: Honey Jet!! album, ULTIMATE DIAMOND album and again single(Limited Edition).
You can’t imagine how happy I am because I was continually refreshing music sites in case Hocchan’s album got “leaked” out.
If you remember my 3 Loves post, don’t think that I have forsaken the other 2!! – because along with Honey Jet!! from Hocchan, there’s my YUI single – again and Nana Mizuki’s album – ULTIMATE DIAMOND.
I can’t help but lol to myself because I was waiting anxiously for the email from CDJapan for them to tell me that my cds have been shipped.. as a result I didn’t wanted to take a nap(feels sleepy =P). With Hocchan Honey Jet!! actually delivered here, I feel energized now. ^_^V
Aww Optic still haven’t gotten his Honey Jet!! LOL. But I gotta thank him for purchasing her album. He’s supporting my Hocchan! =D
And LOL. Hocchan was wondering whether the album will be available tomorrow(the official date is this Wednesday), but she should feel very happy that an overseas fan actually got it today. HAHAHAHAHA. I’ll review her album later, once I finished listening to the tracks =X. I’m only on Track #5 Vanilla Salt currently.
Guess I can stop counting down to 15.07.09, now that her album is in my hands *_*

NOOOOOOOOO, u got it before me. D=
The Ultimate Diamond edition looks pretty nice. :)
OH SH*T, i’m poisoning myself again. >_>
[...] The total cost can’t be as awesome as Feito T.Harlaown(actually I think the cost of these 3 figurines are on par with Feito..) – but it’s awesome that all 3 came in for collection at the same time. LOL. And what? One of them isn’t release in Japan… YET. LOL. I seem to be real lucky in getting my stuff earlier than the original release dates =P. Remember my Honey Jet!!? [...]
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