Bandai’s Less Known SD Gundam Statue
Sure you heard of the famous 1/1 scale Gundam in Odaiba, but did you knew of the chibi Gundam Statue in front of Bandai’s Headquarters in Asakusa? ^^
Well he needs some love and attention too XD. Can’t blog about his 1/1 Gundam brother all the way! LOL.
From a comment over at muza-chan, it looks like:
That cute little guy was their mascot for the mini-Gundam Festa in Ikebukuro last summer. He was outside the inner doors to the Toyota Amlux building for a few days leading up to the festa, and then he was installed in the festa itself.
Seen any cute Gundam statues near your place? Or anime characters? Wish I can build one myself =P.

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