堀江由衣 YAHHO!! Short PV Version
As though hearing my wish for more PV of YAHHO!!, I found.. a short PV version of YAHHO!! OMG XD. Awesome, just when I found out Hocchan is going to perform at Animelo 2009.. ^_^
Enjoy the video. Beginning of the video has Hocchan with her message for YAHHO!! Continue watching and get to preview the short PV version. After watching the clip many times, I am anticipating the single, YAHHO!! even more ><
Video removed due to player license problems, will find another alternative!
Omg what is this? Cheerleader? Omg golf!!?! OMG SHIRT WITH YAHHO!! LOL.
Get the Limited Edition from CDJapan, retailing at a price of 1,890 yen which contains a bonus DVD of the PV – YAHHO!!

I swear, she does not look 30. What’s the secret? I want to be young forever. xD
Maybe it’s just me but I have this sudden urge in owning the PV.
OH GOD, it’s Zen seeds of poison. >_>
*blinks* her voice reminds me of a more energetic version of Yui Makino. This sounds like such a happy song too and the cheerleader thing makes me smile. ^_^
btw, Zen, you need more music on this place :P *secretly wants to be back with you guys*
@ Optic: the power of HOCCHAN! LOL. Yes hopefully my seeds of poison will make you to start purchasing the singles =P
@ kurando: She’s HOCCHAN. One and only!!!!!!!
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