Nanoha A’s Game on PSP
Probably slow in posting this, but better late than never XP.
Titled Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A’s Portable – The Battle of Aces (魔法少女リリカルなのはA’s PORTABLE-THE BATTLE OF ACES-), the PSP game is heading for a release in 21 Jan 2010 and will be available in SP Version(in this case, Lyrical Box) and the Normal Version. Prices are at 13,629 yen and 5229 yen respectively. Gameplay features head-on battles between the characters from Nanoha A’s.
Check out the Official Site here.
Here are some screenshots of the game from Famitsu:
The “Lyrical Box” will be bundled together with a figma Nanoha and his Yuno Scrya in his ferret form. Remember my WF Coverage previously?
I will be doing another post for Figma Nanoha, stay tuned!

My god, the SP Version is more expensive than Alter Nanoha and Fate. @_@
Note to all readers, get the get figure instead. It’s 100 times more worth it.
Lols. I’ve seemed to seen a Nanoha game like this before, except it was for the PC. Anyone else seen it before?
@ Optic: LOL. There’s bathroom poster and a towel I think, will post it up in my next post i guess =P
@ M: Magical Battle Arena I think. LOL. The one with Feito and Nanoha as the only Nanoha characters inside only. =P.
I wish I could justify buying the “Lyrical Box”
@ MorpheusDreamweaver: Only figma collectors would seriously consider buying this ._.
[...] Nanoha School Uniform is bundled together with the upcoming Nanoha PSP game, coming to your shores soon on January 21 [...]
[...] at C76, folks can get to view the new Nanoha PSP Game Trailer. The game will be out this January [...]
[...] upcoming PSP game: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A’s Portable -The Battle of Aces- will be out this Thursday, 21 January 2010. Of course besides the exclusive Figma Nanoha School [...]
[...] Bible is the intro song for the PSP game, Nanoha A’s – The Battle of Aces. At first the song wasn’t a big hit with me, until I played the Nanoha game.. And I LOVE THE [...]
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