Lost & Found Items on JR Trains Go on Sale
What would you do if you found lost items on the train? Finders Keepers? Or will you pass it over to the train station staff and tell them that you found it on the train?
Items lost and found – may not be claimed by respective owners. So overtime the Lost and Found section will definitely be overwhelmed with items! So what did Japan Railways do to get rid of the items?
Instead of throwing away everything that wasn’t claimed – They had a special sale on August 25, 2009 in Osaka.
Everything being sold had originally been found left inside train cars. If somebody doesn’t file a lost item claim within a designated period of time, JR and other private railways are allowed to dispose of such items.
Ipods going at a cheap price; Umbrellas too.. Oh and if you’re worried that you lost an electronic device which contains some private stuff, fear not: Any electronic device that may contain personal information is taken to a special facility and wiped clean.
Does your local train station ever put up a Lost & Found sales?
Source: Japan Probe

I’m surprised there’s so much stuff. I ride the train fairly often, but I really never see anything left behind other than old newspapers or the occasional broken umbrella.
Very nice idea ,by this some of them may get their valuable things may back.You can also post this ad into adsglobe so that the more people may know about this idea.
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