Japanese Movie Theater Using PS3 To Play Movie
Fancy catching a movie? The most recent news of watching a movie in Sendai, Japan is that a PS3 console was being used to project the movie, Kara no Kyoukai – the Garden of sinners.
Folks have claimed that they saw messages to charge the USB controller. LOL!
According to one site, the Blu-ray version of the film is being screened, but Wired Vision confirmed this with the film’s distributor and Sony subsidiary Aniplex that a data file of the movie is running off of a PS3. The film is in full HD, and there is apparently no noticeable difference between it playing from the PS3’s hard drive and a digital projector hard drive.
The theater in Sendai isn’t not the only one using the PS3 to project the film, but I’m sure that there are many people who aren’t please with watching a movie in the theater only to have the film projected with a PS3. LOL. Now I am seriously wondering how films are projected here in Singapore.. o.O
Source: Kotaku

wow, that’s a pretty crazy thing to read about, but if the quality is going to be the same as digital projector hard drive, then what’s to complain about (except for the recharge the remote thing)
^ Market placement or the fact that theater people are too cheap to buy proper equipment.
film is a sharper, higher resolution format that beats digital when it comes to quality-quality. that is, if you use the right film with sprockets holes. Anime is usually, from what i can tell, produced digitally. so the only difference in visual quality should be in the light source like lcd light or projection bulb light strengths (usually being weaker than non bright-white bulbs).
at least the ps3 is a proven powerhouse. i’ll remember that the next time i want to watch an hd movie in my home.
I agree with atmchino that film is sharper but something tells me that distributing a film digitally to multiple theaters (either via BlueRay or via secure internet) is cheaper and more secure (no stolen film reels). Some of the theaters I have been to use projected trailers and advertisements (local businesses, Coca Cola, etc) then the movie is shown via film.
There are some special theater events that are projected digitally, concerts, opera, meetings. I think the projectors have to improve more but I would not be surprised to see more projected media in the future.
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