Ghostwire – Spooky NDSi Exclusive Coming In 2010
Ghostwire is a game that allows you to view ghosts with your DSi camera. You can also record EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) with the in-built microphone, so you will know what the ghosts are saying. Creepy O.O.
“Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are electronically captured sounds that resemble speech, but are not the result of intentional voice recordings. Common sources include static, stray radio transmissions and background noise. Some people claim these sounds are of paranormal origin.”
- via Wikipedia
However, as spooky as it may sound, if you look at it as a game, it feels kind of cheap in a way. It is just random selection of preset ghosts which the game places them on the screen (unless our DSi cameras are capable of seeing ghosts! =O).
But I think this can be easily overlooked by people who are really afraid of ghosts. Lets say… Me ^_^. If I point my DSi camera to my bed, and I see a ghost standing over it, then I will probably think twice before sleeping on that bed that night >.<. Also, hearing what was “recorded” on the microphone may also give me the creeps >.<.
From the trailer, it seems like the objective of the game is to help these ghosts by interacting with them. As you can see, the woman is able to choose what she wants to say to the ghost. So I guess it is the player’s job is to make sure these ghosts can finally rest in peace. I find the ending part of the trailer pretty scary though because of the fact that there is a rear-view (using the interior in-built camera) showing what may be lurking behind you! =O
I feel that the game is interesting in a way that it is quite unique. However I am still a little skeptical about the amount of playtime it will be able to get out of it because it does not look like something that can keep me entertained for too long =S.
Ghostwire will be haunting the DSiWare in 2010.
Source(s): 1Up
Oh wow, that’s such an innovative concept for a game. Too bad I only have the normal NDS and not NDSi, ugh.
Yeah, it’s a bummer for people who does not have a DSi. At least it’s interesting? >.<.
The concept itself is interesting but from the rational point of view its a rather cheap way to create a game and I doubt that theres much long long time motivation behind it.AH well its a DSIWare game so its not like its gonna be that expensive
good game to scare your little cousins man :D
Yup, I totally agree with you. Knowing that it is a DSiWare game I guess we shouldn’t expect too much out of it.
LOL you meanie!! XD but oh man… The game IS quite scary in a way… >.<
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