AFA09 Quick Report
AFA09 is finally over. I went for both days, and boy I really enjoyed myself! Just that I feel very tired at the end of the day that I didn’t bother to attend both LIVE concerts. LOL
My fave picture. Love the guy who actually did this Gundam. MY HERO!! As my net is down currently, I can’t upload all the pictures. You will have to make do with a quick shot of him.
Do check out some of the pictures I have uploaded(before my net died) over at my Flickr Account.
I bet you already read up most of the impressions of AFA09 at the other blogs, so I will be doing a quick impression post once my net is alive. Do stay tuned!

Gotta admit that’s pretty awesome work done for 00 raiser there! I soo wish I could’ve been at AFA09 (Australia just doesn’t get these things … > <)
That is awesome… I’m still jealous… I would love to go to an event like that. There isn’t much where I live either..
I am Gundam!
General feedback of AFA sounds very positive so far. Looking forward to your coverage!
@ ExcaliburStrike: you could come over for AFA10 next year :D
@ loneotaku: The event is pretty short actually. Basically I walked the entire hall within 1 day. Only went back on the 2nd day for the K-ON! seiyuus :3
@ Q: I think a lot of people would have covered it already.. (makes me want to procrastinate more XD)
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