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This Girl Doesn’t Understand Anime Characters

Written by: bluesnow on 30 November 2009 at 7:18 am 10 Comments

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nagato misunderstood

As I was roaming the internet I came across a post describing a female poster at the Japanese forum 2chan who questions the popularity of Yuki Nagato from the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

“She’s a gloomy virgin who never changes her expression. Living with her wouldn’t be fun at all, and she isn’t even very cute. In spite of all this, why?”

While personally I prefer non-bimbo female characters like Nagato, I won’t question her logic, because there are numerous characters that I myself just don’t understand. The male majority at 2chan made responses which you can read here.

So I pose the question: What anime character’s popularly do you question?
Below is my list of the top 10 characters who fit into this category, though I’m sure people may disagree:

1. Mio (K-On)
2. Haruhi (Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
3. Zero (Vampire Knight)
4. Lacus Clyne (Gundam Seed)
5. Edward Elric (FullMetal Alchemist)
6. Kyou (Fruits Basket)
7. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
8. Kyou (Clannad)
9. Asuka (Evangelion)
10. Lucy/Nyu (Elfin Lied)

I believe that most of these “misunderstandings”about character preferences stem from gender. The majority of this list is made of female characters for me (8 vs 2). And if you look at my top 100 favorite characters list (which is quite outdated), you will see that my favorites are divided where the majority are male. I guess I can’t generalize that all girls prefer males characters and don’t understand female characters though, since it seems most of Zenical’s favorite characters are female… in fact several of her characters are on my “misunderstood” list: two of the characters on this list appear in her most recent loots post even! xD

So I suppose my theory of character preferences still needs some work.

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  • MorpheusDreamweaver said:

    Yui Hirasawa
    Azusa Nakano
    Zero Kiryu


  • zenical said:

    I can’t choose any anime characters to list here, because basically I just like them but I don’t know why! LOL.


  • Q said:

    If that is so then one can question why Rei Ayanami is popular too.


  • Donyea said:

    @zenical – Same here. I am just much too of an otaku to think certain characters are overrated.


  • GNdynames said:

    There is “wondering why so and so is popular” and being able to reson it out despite my judgement of their taste, and then there’s ones that I can’t reason out. So, why in the god damned world is Asuka so popular?


  • Shazzsteel said:

    It’s just people’s preference. As not everyone thinks the same he naturally like and dislike things that people may not agree on. If we all liked the same thing then we’d be no better than sheep. I’m sure there are reasonable explanations for each persons reasoning for liking a certain character regardless of whether he or she may appear to be odd to another person. It’s just human nature.


  • bluesnow (author) said:

    @Q: If you follow the first link~ 2chan commenters actually brought Rei up xD
    @GNdynames: I am quite perplexed by this also xD
    @ Shazzsteel: This isn’t about people’s preferences in general~ I probably have very weird preferences myself xD It questioning why people DO flock like sheep around certain characters xD


  • Anime said:

    A lot of it boils down to preferences.


  • Matteas said:

    I’ve never been any big fan of Yuki, but I could say I like her rather than dislike. Quiet characters like her or Tabitha are quite nice, though I don’t really know why. However, Ayanami Rei was getting on my nerves.

    And now I am gonna get shred into smithereens. What’s so good about Haruhi?


  • guuzen said:

    Hmm I like all the characters in that list, except for Kyou. But that is because I never watched Fruits Basket.


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