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Heavy Rain First 9 Minutes

Written by: zenical on 27 January 2010 at 3:07 am One Comment

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I first read about an upcoming game “Heavy Rain” at my local forums, and I wondered what the game is about. Did some research and found out that it’s a interactive game, but the world isn’t as big as the world in GTA. There are four playable characters, and if you die while using the first character, you can use the second character, and so forth. All four players are looking for the “Origami Killer”.

The game sounds really dark and twisty, already loving the storyline. Warning video below might be spoiler for you if you intend to get the game!

Game will be hitting stores this February, so if you’re interested in the game, head on over to Play-Asia for your copy! Demo would be hitting PSN Stores this February 11. Gameplay looks slow-moving, with lots of interaction with the surroundings..

Source: Kotaku

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One Comment »

  • zone otaku » Get Your Heavy Rain Demo! said:

    [...] seen 9 minutes of the game so far, were you bored? I know I was bored, almost dozed off. Lol. Maybe it’s time you get [...]

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