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Loot: Guuzen Gets A PlayStation 3!!

Written by: guuzen on 5 April 2010 at 6:25 am 16 Comments

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Wow, this post is one month late! Well close to one month. On March 9, 2010 I got a PlayStation 3! It took some level of convincing before my Dad gave in and decided to get it instead of a Wii XD.

PlayStation 3 Loot

The date that I got the PS3 is pretty much a dead giveaway. I wanted to make it for Final Fantasy XIII’s day one launch! During the Tokyo Game Show ‘09, I remember watching a 7 minute trailer that Square Enix released and I just fell in love with it!

Updating PlayStation 3

Currently, the PS3 is hooked up to the family TV. Even though it is 33-inch, I find myself squinting my eyes at the text displayed on the screen. Are they meant to be so small?? Or do they resize according to the TV’s resolution?? Hope somebody can confirm this for me =). Other than this, I have absolutely no problem with the PS3.

PlayStation 3

I got the 120GB PS3 Slim because I was told by a few friends (including Zenical, M, and Optic) that the hard drive space is more than enough so the 250GB one is unnecessary. I got another controller so I can play with my brother and also acts as a spare in case the battery of the other one is flat. Apart from the controller, my brother got an external fan (powered using USB) to cool the console. Not sure if it is necessary, but I guess there is no harm getting one right?


I got three games for the PS3 so far: Final Fantasy XIII, Little Big Planet, and Borderlands. I am also playing Metal Gear Solid 4, but that is my friend’s copy so it is not mine =P.

Final Fantasy XIII

Little Big Planet


I am happy with the games I have right now, and after I am done with them I will be backtracking to older titles like Uncharted 2 and inFamous. With the PS3, I can now cover more game titles. Which reminds me… I have a couple of reviews that I have been backlogging for a long long time. Guess it’s high time that I get them done >.<.

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  • Optic said:

    I would consider the small text on the screen normal but it does depend on ur resolution. My PS3 is hooked up to my 32″ using 1080i but if ur squinting ur eyes, that is a concern. :S

    I’m happy u finally got one. If the uncharted 2 bundle wasn’t enough to convince u then it had to be the FFXIII bundle. :D
    Sadly the Xbox 360 bundle was only available here but many already have a PS3 so it doesn’t matter. lol


    guuzen Reply:

    Lol thanks! Sadly I didn’t get the PS3 in a bundle or anything. Think the Uncharted 2 one was gone and the FFXIII one is too expensive.

    Hmm… About the text size problem, if it is normal then I guess I can’t do anything about it. Maybe I am too used to sitting right in front of the screen when I am gaming on my computer >.<.


    zenical Reply:

    what bundle? No such thing as a FFXIII bundle.. that will be the lightning set which includes the Jap version of the game.. And it’s sold out almost everywhere.


    guuzen Reply:

    haha yup I was referring to the lightning set =)


  • Donyea said:

    Since you have a HD tv you might be able to make the screen larger by zooming in on something by using your remote. That should help. Also Congrats I have to wait a little bit longer for my PS3 but when I get one we should exchange PSNs.


    guuzen Reply:

    Thanks! Hmm maybe I will try that zooming thing. Wonder if my TV have that function o.o


    zenical Reply:

    the question I have is.. how far are you sitting away from your tv?


    guuzen Reply:

    Oh no I forgot how to estimate 1 meter =.= hmm… I think I am sitting around 5 meters away? Does that sound reasonable? o.o


    zenical Reply:

    that’s rather far… seeing that I’m seated like at least 2m away only, and my tv is 37 inches. LOL.


    atmzeal Reply:

    viewing distance on 33′ 1080 screens are usually optimal at about 4ft/1.2m and about 5ft/1.5m for 720. amount of detail and light effectiveness, size/resolution of the screen, viewing angle, and pixelation noticeable to the eye all vary. same reason why you shouldnt get a 50inch tv if the room is only 5ft/1.6m in length, why details are lost and compressed when too far away, or why you shouldn’t sit in the front row of a movie theater. the bigger your screen, the further your sweet spot moves.

    of course, the closer you sit, the more likely your eyes will start going ;)

    zenical Reply:

    I read somewhere that you don’t lose any of the HD-ness if you’re not seated too far. There was a graph too.. I need to find that O.o

  • Fabrice said:

    Everything seems fine to me o.o

    Nice buy, me too i just bought myself one =)


    guuzen Reply:

    Congrats to you too! Ahh maybe it is just my bad eyesight =(. Oh well… and I hope my controller’s O button can last, because FFXIII is sort of killing it =/.


  • Reltair said:

    Excellent decision, PS3 > Wii. Our Wii is just sitting in the living room collecting dust.

    Have fun playing FF13!


    guuzen Reply:

    that is the exact concern I have for the Wii. It may be fun when you have a group of people playing together, but what about playing on a normal day by yourself? I really cannot imagine myself swinging that Wii remote on my own O.o


    zenical Reply:

    huzzah for PS3 gamers!!!


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