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BRS Metal Charm Collection 01: Rock Cannon

Written by: zenical on 23 April 2010 at 7:37 am One Comment

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GSC has started taking preorders for this cool-looking metal charm featuring BRS Rock Cannon, made from brass. This lovely accessory could be used to replace the plastic rock cannon that comes along with Nendoroid BRS.

Retail price is at 3,800 yen, scheduled to be out this July. Preorder over at Hobby Search now.

This preorder caught me off by surprise. The metal charm series are pretty much limited and hard to come by.. You have to pay a lot just to get your hands on the charms. Then again, really happy that Hobby Search has started preorders for this lovely charm. Hopefully they will continue doing so – so that fans like me don’t have to resort to paying high prices for exclusive items >_<.

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One Comment »

  • Reltair said:

    But the price is already high to begin with! D:

    That better be one really high quality metal charm.


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