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More Nanoha Movie 1st Goods Starting To Come: Cushion, Cup and More

Written by: zenical on 9 June 2010 at 11:41 am 2 Comments

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More Nanoha the MOVIE 1st Anime Goods from Movic being made available for preorder this week. I seen a few now and then, but this is by far the best!! XD. There are so many types of goods to choose from now :3

Item: Fate and Arf Tea Cup
Release Date: July 2010
Retail Price: 840 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan, HobbyLink Japan or Hobby Search

Item: Nanoha and Yuuno Tea Cup
Release Date: July 2010
Retail Price: 840 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan, HobbyLink Japan or Hobby Search

Item: Nanoha The MOVIE 1st Desk Mat
Release Date: July 2010
Retail Price: 735 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan or Hobby Search

Item: Nanoha the MOVIE 1st Wallet
Release Date: August 2010
Retail Price: 2,415 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan or Hobby Search

Item: Nanoha iPod Case
Release Date: August 2010
Retail Price: 2,100 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan or Hobby Search

Item: Fate iPod Case
Release Date: August 2010
Retail Price: 2,100 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan or Hobby Search

Item: Nanoha the MOVIE 1st Nanoha Cushion
Release Date: August
Retail Price: 3,150 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan or Hobby Search

Item: Nanoha the MOVIE 1st Fate Cushion
Release Date: August
Retail Price: 3,150 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan or Hobby Search

Pretty tempted to order most of the items I listed here… LOL. Any items on your want list? Hopefully I poisoned some Nanoha fans :3.

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  • phossil said:

    Lol The Ipod case. If I were to buy one would be the Nanoha tea cup


  • GNdynames said:

    Those cups will probably go well with my University of Western Ontario Faculty of Science cup to prove that I’m the biggest nerd on the block XD


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