[E3 2010] Playstation Move Finally Priced And Dated For September – Supports Killzone 3
Tags: E3, Game, Playstation Move, PS3, Sony
The Playstation Move was revealed months ago, but it never got a official release date, nor a price. At E3 2010, Sony revealed that the Playstation Move will be out this September. In North America, it will be on Sept. 19, in Europe on Sept. 15, and in Japan on Oct. 21.
The controller itself will cost $49.99; a bundle with the PlayStation Eye will cost $99.99.
Sony’s Peter Dille said the bundle will include the game Sports Champions; that bundle will also be paired with a PS3 at $399.99 The Move’s navigation controller is sold separately for $29.99.
On a side note, Killzone 3 is scheduled for February 2011 release. It will be fully move-enabled at launch. What?! And in addition to that, KZ3 is a 3D game!! Oh my god. Things are changing really fast >_<.
Source: Kotaku

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