Perhaps PSP-4000 Will Be Soon
Nintendo has mentioned that the 3DS would arrive worldwide before the end of the fiscal year [March 2011]. However I have read on the net that the 3DS might be out even sooner, like in 2010. Look at the picture below, even this certain retailer, Geo seems to think that the hardware’s release date will be in 2010.
Look at the bottom of the list. PSP-4000? Is Sony trying to compete with Nintendo’s 3DS by releasing the PSP-4000 this year? Take note, the PSP-4000 hasn’t been announced by Sony yet, but I bet all of us just have this feeling that PSP-4000 will be soon :O.
It should be noted that this same document makes some glaring errors. Gran Turismo 5 is listed for September release, when we now know it’s due for release in November. Pokemon Black & White is listed for October, when we now know it’s set for September.
So the list might just be Geo listing its own expectations for upcoming releases.
Given the fact that I have a PSP now, I might get the 3DS when it’s out ^^.
Source: andriasang

WOw Sony fights back the 3DS with the PSP-4000 but seriously does Sony really need to do this just to compete against Nintendo
zenical Reply:
July 5th, 2010 at 1:15 pm
Because the 3DS wins PSPgo imho. THe PSPgo was really Sony testing the water. -.- At least Nintendo gave us something awesome. Lol. Then again Nintendo has been giving us those DSi LL etc before 3DS finally made its appearance!!
Haha 3DS will definitely win the PSP… And this PSP-4000 thing… Like Zenical said Sony is just testing if digital distribution is the solution for the future (and obviously it is NOT).
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