Illustration of the official poster for the upcoming Gundam 00 Movie – Mobile Suit Gundam 00: Awakening of the Trailblazer has surfaced. It features 10 main characters and 00 QAN[T]. It seems that some secrets of the “biggest enemy ever” is hidden in the poster. What I don’t see is, any enemy in the poster. XD Maybe the space colony?
The illustration seems to be splashed with purple and blue. Only Feldt is standing out because of her pink hair and outfit XD.
The movie will premiere in Japan in at least 27 Japanese theaters on September 18 2010. Also there will be two theme songs in this movie, one by THE BACK HORN and the other by UVERworld.
Source: Gigazine
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I like the vintage style of the poster. Blends in well with the early Gundam series painting like 0079 and does seen on Gundam Ace magazine covers ^^
Btw the enemy here is the white hair guy behind Lockon (above Graham) facing backwards. He’s called Decarte Shaman or something like that, and is apparently an Innovator too.
is he a confirm BIG villain? I was trying to find more info on the BIG enemy but I couldn’t. lol
nice poster. but why does it remind me of the old star wars posters, you know, for like episode IV and V. Haha.
you think too much, all posters like that :P