Miku ’39’s Giving Day Concert Coming To Blu-ray
Now that I own a PS3, I’m a Blu-ray whore. I like my shows in High Definition now. I refuse to watch my shows on DVD format unless I don’t have a choice. Blu-ray is definitely becoming common. Most of the shows I seen have Blu-ray release. Miku ’39’s Giving Day Concert is no exception :D. The Concert will be out on Blu-ray. Rejoice!
While I’m no Miku fan, folks who have been collecting her figurines and CDs must order this concert! The concert will be out on DVD too, but do preorder the Blu-ray because HD rocks :P
Concert Title: Miku ’39’s Giving Day Concert [Blu-ray]
Catalog Number: VGDV-60001
Release Date: 1 September 2010
Retail Price: 7,350 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan [First Press Available, special box, sleeve case, pictured-label and B3 poster]

Blu-ray whore.. that’s a little extreme isn’t it? (stick to addict xD)
anyway, W0W Hatsune Miku ^^ I dont have much by her but i’m a big fan nevertheless xD
zenical Reply:
July 5th, 2010 at 1:11 pm
Blu-ray is awesome!!!
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