Kane & Lynch 2 Demo Released For PlayStation Plus Subscribers
I believe this is the first demo to have exclusive treatment for the new PS3 premium service: PlayStation Plus. Subscribers will be able to play the demo as of 20 July, whereas non-subscribers have to wait for a week (27 July).
Well, these kind of exclusivity are bound to happen sooner or later. It kind of suck, but at the same time people like me just got to get over it. Anyways, a 1 week wait is still not bad. What’s really bad, is when demos start to be available ONLY for subscribers. I hope no developers are dumb enough to do that.
Anyways, about the game. The first Kane & Lynch received some really mediocre reviews, and I am not too sure why because it did not catch my attention at all. In this second game though, it seems that the reception is better. Like its prequel, K&L 2 is a third person cover-based shooter. The story is set in Shanghai where Lynch is trying to settle down after the events of the first game.
I will write a hands-on impression as soon as I can get my hands on the demo, so stay tuned!
Source(s): Joystiq
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