Aya Hirano Fans Enraged, Destroy Collection
I’m sure most of you read the drama that has been going around popular voice actress Aya Hirano. She doesn’t want to be seiyuu, and is hoping over to be a TV Talent. But in the midst of doing so she seems to have angered many of her otaku fans.
She laid her love life bare on “Goût Temps Nouveau”, a Japanese program for women, with the revelation that she “loves older men” and has apparently dated several at the same time.
As a result, some creepy otaku fans have began destroying their collection. One guy even posted a video of him destroying his collection. Hop on over to SankakuComplex for the video. LOL.
Aya Hirano posted a blog post on her blog(her blog is down already), a response to fans’ reaction:
All of these romantic experiences helped support me, and I don’t want to continue this shallow and unrealistic façade.
I don’t want to write songs about some fantasy love. I should be able to show the real me.
Stop making Tweets telling me to “die!” or saying you hate me.
And after we just made a lifeline to each other… Even one as powerful as me is reeling under this.
So, from here on I hope you wish me well!
While I go crazy over my seiyuu, I don’t think it’s wrong of her to date several men. Seiyuu are human beings and what they do is entirely up to them. We as fans should support them in whatever they do. Still I wonder what will happen to those shows she’s currently voicing. Roles such as Lucy from Fairy Tail.
Source: SankakuComplex

“I don’t think it’s wrong of her to date several men.”
Then you are just a cheap slut as well. You just know she didnt have any feelings for her sugar daddies, it was all about the gifts and non-stop fucking.
zenical Reply:
August 9th, 2010 at 9:52 am
if you are a guy then you are a bastard as well. I know all guys like to have more than 1 girl for whatever reason. Like I said, it’s her decision. I don’t know why everyone has been saying she is a slut. Well truth is I never bothered about her that I don’t really care. Anyway dating a few men means she is testing the water. Wasn’t mentioned that she was going out exclusively with one and really going all out with other guys. I don’t see anything wrong. Can’t you date several women too?
Lol and I’m sorry to say that asian women do not give pleasure that easily :P.
Donyea Reply:
August 9th, 2010 at 11:24 am
I agree completely with you zen.
Raymond Reply:
August 10th, 2010 at 4:57 am
Same here. That’s just wrong -_-’
I wouldn’t mind them dating, but if people worded it as “several at the time”, it kinda doesn’t shed a good light on them >.> But still, I wouldn’t break all my collection…
There was a scandal with one of the members in a group I like… I sure didn’t destroy my collection @_@
And even if she did date several, they might not be within a short period of time >.> but still.. it does sound a bit bad lol
zenical Reply:
August 9th, 2010 at 9:54 am
well what she do is entirely up to her.. Just kinda interesting that no one know that she was dating a few at the same time. Lol. Surely someone would have snapped some photos :P
Genny V Reply:
August 9th, 2010 at 10:29 am
XD hahaha, I thought it was just weird that no one even bothered to find out if she was seeing people lol But then again, a lot of seiyuus could be seeing someone and we don’t know >.>
nevertheless, I don’t think I’ll be so heartbroken that i’d break my cd’s, scratch out my pictures LOL I mean, come on, money doesn’t grow on trees ==
Thats her I dont see the big deal. I dont date more than a person at a time but I know people that do it and its their personal business.
She’s what? 22? That’s pretty damned young (funny because I often feel I’m old, I turned 20 earlier this year >_>). It’s not that big a deal especially considering the maturity level in North American colleges (ie. not very high)
What a slut.
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Look. I don’t know what everyone thinks about this, but if we where in her shoes, I’m sure we would like to have the same freedom as she would want, as well. I’m all for Hirano-San. I had my own image of her, mainly of what she wanted to display to the fans, but hearing about this incedent, this is a great reminder of what show buisness is all about; Empty expressions, fake smiles and an optomistic expression to please all fans, which in turn, is also fake. People have their own emothions, personalitys and life at that matter. You shouldn’t get attatched to anyone, even loved ones. This is what it leads to. You shouldn’t think low of someone who wants to live her life the way they want.
Please don’t hate Hirano-San and support her on the path she wishes to choose.
zenical Reply:
May 24th, 2011 at 2:13 am
I’m a neutral party in this whole issue. I personally feel that the fans are being too serious.
Shadownemmy Reply:
July 10th, 2011 at 4:21 am
Hey i totally agree with you. Her personal life has nothing to do with us, and we have no authority to interfere. The fans are over reacting on a very small issue. me, along with many others, are otakus. I love anime and I love the japanese culture. I even spent over $5000 on manga/anime/etc. already and im only 15 and a half. I might be known as a bit extreme to otakus my age but still, even though i love anime, i don’t flip out and destroy my collectin just from a problem so minor. I assume it was just japanese fans though… Crazy japanese people. But then again.. one of the first reasons i loved japan was because they are crazy! :D
Who the hell cares what she did why would it fukin matter?? shes awesome
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