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Loot: SCANDAL Autograph!!!!

Written by: zenical on 17 August 2010 at 9:37 pm 3 Comments

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I got a parcel from Hong Kong last week. Fellow comrade Q(Of Daybreak’s Bell) got me MY SCANDAL Autograph. How frigging awesome is this!!!?!? And the best part is the price was fairly reasonable!! Anyway here’s the picture of my loots last week. I will touch on the rest in a few days time. For now, it’s all about SCANDAL Autograph XD.

Yes I know you spotted StarCraft II in the picture above. For folks who haven’t been looking/following at  my Twitter, I got my game yesterday and I had a chance to access SC2 as a guest since Friday. So yeah I was playing SC2 for days XD.

Q had to buy a fan package in order to get all these stuff. Of course I paid him in full, with a little bonus :P. The only sad thing is I didn’t get to shake their hands T_T.

Stuff in the fan package:

  • T-shirt
  • Blue plastic bag with orange rope to contain the stuff (Goodie bag? :3)
  • A4 Poster with their Autograph!!!!!!!

I got the album last year, so now I have 2… hmm.. Lol.

The autograph, a closer look. Does not come with the frame. Bought the frame on Sunday to frame it up. Lol.

Photos ripped from Q, lol. I am so going to HK next year if they are performing there again!

Their appearance in Hong Kong was due to the event “ACGHK 2010 Convention”. They actually went there in 2009 but Q did not see them at all(because he didn’t go that particular day LOL), but being the good buddy he is, he bothered to ask me if I wanted the autograph if he could get his hands on it :3.

Anyway for more coverage do check out his blog. He had to go through hundreds of pictures just for you ^^. Yes that reminds me I need to view them myself ;_;

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  • Paul said:



  • Raymond said:

    anyway… Looks like good stuff zenical :D


  • misterowl24 said:

    I want to meet Scandal too. But nice loots.

    Maybe Scandal can come for AFA. *prays*


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