Delayed: Nendoroid Puchi Nanoha The Movie 1st Set
A change of release date for the upcoming Nendoroid Puchi Nanoha the MOVIE 1st Set.
The Nendoroid Puchi set was supposed to be out last Friday, 27th of August 2010. Due to some shipment problem, release date is unknown currently. Stay tuned to more updates!
I was looking forward to getting this this coming week, looks like I will only expect them in Mid September >_<.
Source: GSC Official Website

No!! I’ve been really looking forward to them for quite a while already. Furthermore, I think it means HS will ship my combined order separately and I will end up paying more -_-’
zenical Reply:
August 30th, 2010 at 2:57 am
I feel you! Which is why I tend to order at my local shops now. So afraid of the delays >_>
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