It has been 3 weeks (now going to 4 weeks) since the release of Pokemon Black & White in Japan and sales are still going strong.
Here is a chart taken from 1Up showing software sales in Japan (27/09/2010 – 3/10/2010):
- Pokemon Black/Pokemon White (DS) – 374,859
- K-On! After School Live!! (PSP) – 170,848
- Okamiden (DS) – 84,472
- The Legend of Heroes ZERO NO KISEKI (PSP) – 84,360
- Dead Rising 2 (PS3) – 79,695
- Dead Rising 2 (360) – 43,800
- Yakuza Black Panther (PSP) – 43,163
- Wii Party (Wii) – 33,067
- Starry Sky in Summer Portable (PSP) – 19,264
- Dragon Ball Tag Versus (PSP) – 19,080
Seems like Japan just love their Pokemon and portable gaming. Pokemon Black & White is still sitting comfortably at the top spot after 3 consecutive week and it has sold a total of 3,761,217 copies in 16 days.
I don’t really play Pokemon games now, but I am always interested to see new ones just to know what are the new features added in. I remember when day and night cycle was first introduced in Gold and it was a huge deal! Also what about Diamond & Pearl? I bet a lot of you were excited after seeing that some of the environment assets (e.g. buildings) are actually in 3D!
The English version of Pokemon Black & White do not have any exact release dates so far, but it is slated for Spring 2011.
Source(s): 1Up
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As a long time Pokemon fan who’s been playing all the games as they’ve come out, I’m very glad to hear that Black and White are doing so well ^^ I recently finished playing the main story on my copy of Black and am planning to write a review very soon…
oh man lucky you!! I wish I can read and understand Japanese =(
glad pkm still going strong. though after seeing a fan-made live action rendition, i kinda wish the series would evolve. like for older audiences. ahem.
yeah I can understand that. recently watched an episode of Diamond & Pearl and it just didn’t feel right anymore =/ however I’m still down with watching the movies!