PlayStation Move Sales Looking Good, But Is It A Buy For Me?
Sony was expecting slow sales for their new motion controller, and it seems it did pretty well in Europe selling 1.5 million units.
“The initial sales response has been so far in excess of our initial plan that we’ll probably be looking at accelerating production.”
Well glad that Sony seem to be satisfied with the sales of the PlayStation Move. I am one of those people out there who are still a little skeptical about it. I already have a reasonable hands-on time with the Move as I have a friend who bought it on day one. It is surprisingly accurate and a much better version of the Wii Remote.
It is a great device and it does what it does really well. However, something is still bugging me… Is the Move something that I will be playing with for a long time? Right now, we have Sports Champion, Start The Party and Tumble for the more “casual” audience. These games are fun to play with friends, but my interests in them fade away too quickly and they are almost useless playing by yourself. Furthermore, the ones out now only supports local multiplayer, so you will have to grab somebody else if you want a feel good time. Sure there will probably be online multiplayer support in future games, but how long will that take?
Okay so lets toss that aside. Sony has marketed the Move as a device for “hardcore” gamers as well, so there are titles like Time Crisis: Razing Storm, SOCOM 4 and Killzone 3 that are Move compatible and has online multiplayer. It goes without saying that the Move is key in Razing Storm since it is an on-rails shooter, so using the default controller is definitely not a good idea. But what about games like SOCOM 4 and Killzone 3 where both plays just fine with a default controller? Will the Move play a big enough role that I will use it a reasonable number of times? Or will I be using it for an hour or two just to check out how the game plays with the Move and then revert back to my Dualshock 3 and continue for another 8 hours. If developers are just slapping the “Move compatible” label on the game box without implementing creative Move controls, then I don’t see a point of investing money into it.
So for now, I’m’ just gonna hang back and wait a while before making any decisions. I’m gonna observe stuff like usage frequency and developer support while waiting for better bundles.
Source(s): videogamer

I might get it after a while as well. I just do see the need since I already have wii that I play mostly monster hunter and TvC on.
I got it the day it came out in our stores XD I kinda can’t wait to play action games on it =D INFAMOUS 2 BABY XD now if only they did a nanoha or like narutoor SOMETHING from an anime :D
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