Aki Toyosaki Is A Surprising Gamer!

Some of you may think she’s the kind of girl that carries her Nintendo DS around playing games like Cooking Mama, and then goes back home for some Kirby’s Epic Yarn on the Wii. Well, think again.

It seems like she is into the more “serious” games. Below is what she told a Japanese magazine (SPA if that matters to you).

“I’m often told that I look like someone who plays Animal Crossing.”

“I love Grand Theft Auto and fighting games! I’m the type who totally gets into something.”

Well I certainly didn’t see that coming, and now I think I like her more just because of that!

Source(s): Kotaku

a student who loves watching anime and playing video games. My first video games date back in the DOS era. As for my first anime series? I started watching them at around the age of 11. Until now, I have been loving both anime and video games and my interest for them are still growing strong.
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