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Nendoroid Sanzenin Nagi

Written by: zenical on 22 October 2010 at 9:19 am 3 Comments

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Max Factory has started reservations for this lovely Nendoroid Nagi from Hayate no Gotoku! She’ll be the perfect collection to your Nendoroid collection as she look so cute. How can one not preorder!?

Figure: Nendoroid Sanzenin Nagi
Manufacturer: Max Factory
: Non (Approximately 100mm)
Release Date
: February 2011
Retail Price
: 3,800 yen
Preorder at
CDJapanHobbyLink JapanHobby Search or Otacute.

Cute, but I have to pass on her. I’m only getting Hinagiku as I find Nagi too irritating in the anime series. The Nendoroid is cute though >_<

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  • M said:

    her face looks weird. :(

    where’s A-chan. :(


  • phossil said:

    funny white tiger ;)


    zenical Reply:

    tama is cute!


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