1/8 Fate Testarossa -Casual Wear- PVC [Kotobukiya Ver.]
Written by: zenical on 27 November 2010 at 9:10 pm
One Comment
Tags: 1/8 scale, Fate, Kotobukiya, Nanoha
Kotobukiya have realised the power of Fate and they have started taking preorders for this lovely 1/8 scale of Fate Testarossa -Casual Wear- PVC. Which will you go for? Alter or Kotobukiya?
Figure: Fate Testarossa -Casual Wear- PVC [Kotobukiya Ver.]
Manufacturer: Kotobukiya
Scale: 1/8 (Approximately 165mm)
Release Date: March 2011
Retail Price: 7,140 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan, HobbyLink Japan or Hobby Search.
She looks so preeeetty!!! But I already ordered Alter’s version, so I am going to save my monies -_-.

I think Kotobukiya’s version is cuter, possibly due to the body proportion (less slim / slender than the Alter one), but both are pretty good I’d say.
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