Before 2010 Is Over – Backlogged Loots [Part 3]
Tags: Blu-ray, fripside, LIVE Concert, Movie, Nana Mizuki, Nanoha, SCANDAL, Seiyuu Magazine, YUI
Just few more hours and 2010 will be over, so here are my last of the year 2010 loots. There are actually 2 Blu-ray movies which I purchased but I’m too lazy and tired to take pictures to show you :P.
Part 3
- Seigura Magazine January 2011
- SCANDAL – Doll
- SCANDAL – Nanka Buttobase [Regular Edition]
- YUI – Rain [Regular Edition]
- YUI – Rain [Limited Edition]
- fripSide – infinite synthesis [w/DVD, Limited Edition]
- Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha the MOVIE 1st [Blu-ray, Limited Edition]
- Nana Mizuki – Book
- SCANDAL – Temptation Box Book
A cookie to anyone who knows why I bought the magazine.. The answer is on the cover.. lol.
Some bonus CD that came with infinite synthesis album from fripSide. Haven’t checked it out yet!
NANOHA BLU-RAY!!!!!!!! I am so excited about this particular loot. The only part which I hate in the entire movie is Nanoha using Starlight Breaker on Fate. It hurts. And it hurts me more in 1080p -_-.
Lots of goodies in my Limited Edition copy of the Blu-ray.
Nana Mizuki Blu-ray! I look forward to her concert release yearly. Really love LIVE GAMES. AWESOME!
Freebies that came with the Blu-rays. Pictures of Nana-chan!!
Looking at all the loot pictures of 2010, I have to say I spent quite a lot ._.

Great loot!
True scandal fan indeed!
so many goodies of them haha.
anyway reminds me i have to catch up with my idol collection ^^
btw Happy new year!
all the best and hope to meet up again in the near future ^^
Happy New Year!
Regular and Limited editions of YUI – Rain? :P
zenical Reply:
January 10th, 2011 at 2:15 pm
happy new year! yes indeed :3. FAN DESU xD
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