SCANDAL – Everybody Say Yeah! ~Temptation Box Tour 2010~ Zepp Tokyo [16.03.11]
Just one month after SCANDAL 9th major single release, they have released their 2nd LIVE DVD on 16 March 2011. My wallet is really going to be empty. There’s already another single scheduled for release next month ~_~. Will do a post about the 10th single sometime later :P
LIVE Song-list
- GIRLism
- Hi-Hi-Hi
- プレイボーイPart2
- BEAUTeen!!
- 少女M
- 少女S
- 放課後1H
- スイッチ
- 涙のリグレット
- カゲロウ
- 瞬間センチメンタル
- 会いたい
- Hello!Hello!
- 太陽と君が描くSTORY
- Shining Sun
- さよならMy Friend
Concert Title: Everybody Say Yeah! ~Temptation Box Tour 2010~ Zepp Tokyo [DVD]
Catalog Number: ESBL-2291
Release Date: 16 March 2011
Retail Price: 4,515 yen
Purchase at: CDJapan
My copy will arrive sometime late April.. That’s a long wait ~_~. I actually forgot I have this on preorder until I looked at my preorders just yesterday. LOL!

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