As mentioned in our winter look back post, we do have something planned for the Spring 2011 season, and perhaps even the seasons after that. This is a new section we are trying out for Zotaku, where we attempt to bring more original contents to this website. We are considering other ideas as well, but for now, this is V1.0. Hopefully this will add a bit of variety while providing a personal feel to the site.
So what we’re gonna do here is post about anything we want, that happened in the last week. It can be a lengthy rant on life, or maybe upload a screenshot of Rose having a really moe moment. Hell, we may even post something totally random like this.
Now, not all writers will be appearing on this every week. We want to keep this free and easy and not something that we feel responsible to. We really hope this will give some sort of freshness to the site and that you guys will enjoy reading it!
Lastly, our weekly check-in posts will be launched every Sunday and as such, for the context of each post we will be covering content from last Sunday up till the Saturday before the post goes up. With that said, enjoy, Check-In #1.
This week, we are covering:
Ah! My Goddess Movie
Kaiji (Episode #1)
Sengoku Otome ~Momoiro Paradox~ (Episode #1)
X-Men (Episode #1)
Ah! My Goddess Movie
- Guuzen -
I remember watching this movie in early 2000 and it’s quite ok. Not sure if I can recommend it to people but Ah! My Goddess fans should definitely not miss it! Here is a PV that I have liked for a VERY long time. It is one of my favorite AMVs till now!
- Guuzen -
I have watched a few new series this week, but I think Victorique has took the spotlight! She changed from the usual black dress to a purple one! Look at her sheer beauty and cuteness in the magnificent sunlight XD.
Episode 13′s preview has her wearing this same purple dress so this is probably her new look for the second half of the season.
Kaiji (Episode #1)
- M -
Ah. How I miss Kaiji. That vice-addicted loser that he is. Watching Kaiji, you wanna cheer him on because he’s the underdog, yet you can’t help but laugh at how much dung he finds himself in. But the most ‘WTFLOL’ moment of the episode, and perhaps this entire Check-In post? This:
Oh god, after a whole season of bishoujos from Infinite Stratos, I can’t take this. Hahahahaa.
I’ve honestly no idea who that is though. Kaiji’s girlfriend? Does he even have one? His cross-dressing persona? Guess we’ll find out in due time. Or if anyone knows, do comment. :D
Sengoku Otome ~Momoiro Paradox~ (Episode #1)
- M -
Disappointed I am really, at the abysmal presentation that is Sengoku Otome ~Momoiro Paradox~ (or like I just call it SengokuOtome for short). Having watched Hyakka Ryouran only just recently, I had pretty high hopes for yet another take on Japan’s warring period with generals being turned to overly busty and outrageously strong girls.
Imagine my disappointment when I saw that wee lil’ girl that was supposed to be the representation of the great Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Heck. She looks like this:
Forget SengokuOtome, she looks like she belongs in Mahou Shoujo Madoka. Well, I just hope the next few episodes pans out well, or I’m dropping this completely. Oh. Did I mention how pissed I am at how Date is portrayed in the show? How did this:
become this:
Sigh… Guess I need to give myself more time to warm up to this show.
X-Men (Episode #1)
- M -
Purely breathtaking, was what I thought when I watched Episode 1 of X-Men. I’m a pretty big fan of Anime in general. A pretty big fan of the X-Men too. Having an X-Men anime???? Sensational. I can’t really compare this to the American animated takes because the 3 American X-Men takes I’ve watched went on completely separate routes, much like how the Anime chose to use the aftermath of Dark Phoenix saga as their starting point. Not judging, but I felt there were a lot of other places to start from, considering Hisako’s involvement. Where’s my X-23. :(
That being said. Still pretty impressed.
Killzone 3
- Guuzen -
Well another week of Killzone 3 with Zenical and her group of GameAxis buddies. This week’s matches were pretty good, though lost more than last week =(.
I think I have found my ideal sitting position while playing Killzone! I will slant my body slightly to the right and then rest my right arm on the chair’s armrest. This will allow the right side of the controller to be more stable allowing me to have better aiming! =D Not sure if this works for everybody though… =/
Yakuza 4
- Guuzen -
I’m nearing the story’s end for this game, but I stopped right before that to do some unfinished business (trophy business). I’m aware that I can do it even after completing the game, but I want to finish as many before that.
Right now I’m working on Akiyama’s hostess club, getting all the girls to become the number 1 hostess so that I can get the last 2 or 3 hostess business card =D. After that, it’s off to fishing, golfing and many more >.<.
Latest posts by M (see all)
- Zotaku Weekly Anime Check-In #4 - Mon 02/05
- Zotaku Weekly Anime Check-In #3 - Sun 24/04
- Zotaku Weekly Anime Check-In #2 - Tue 19/04