Whoa. Final Fantasy X Remake For PS Vita And PS3
Written by: zenical on 14 September 2011 at 2:49 pm
Tags: Final Fantasy, Playstation Vita, PS3, Square Enix, TGS
I love Final Fantasy X. It’s probably the only FF game I completed. ^^”. And now Square Enix has announced at the Sony TGS press conference: that they’ll bring the PS2 hit to the Vita and PS3 platform!
Not exactly the remake many were hoping for (Final Fantasy VII anyone?), but HD remake for FFX is good for now.
Source: Joystiq

its not even a remake its a ‘remastering’ into HD, meaning everything stays the same, they just up the resolution and resell it as a new product
zenical Reply:
September 14th, 2011 at 6:32 pm
“remake” as in converting to HD..
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