Battlefield 3 DLCs Appearing 1 Week Earlier On PS3
Tags: Battlefield, DLC, PC, PS3, Xbox 360
The previous few Battlefield games have always been compared to Call of Duty games and there are thousands of forum threads containing the tired argument of which one “owns” the other. Now EA has given everybody yet another reason to do so.
All future DLCs for Battlefield 3 will be released 1 week earlier on the PlayStation 3 before Xbox 360 and PC gamers will be able to get their hands on them. It is inevitable to feel that this is EA’s way of getting back at Activision for the timed exclusive releases for Call of Duty on the Xbox 360 and it is probably their intention as well. 1 week is 1 month right?
The first DLC ‘Back to Karkand’ (included in the pre-order bonus) will already be getting this treatment.
Source(s): IGN

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