PlayStation Vita 3G Downloads Limited To 20MB
Sony decided to go the Apple route of limiting 3G downloads to 20MB for the PlayStation Vita, so you’re probably gonna need a Wi-Fi connection for most (if not all) games available on the PlayStation Store.
This is making 3G on Vita sound more and more useless. So you can’t download stuff that are more than 20mb, you can’t play those 8 vs 8 multiplayer games. You can surf the web, do social networking stuff and play smaller games like UNO online, but these are things that can already be done on smart phones. I’m not saying that everybody has a smart phone, but there is no doubt a large number who do own one.
I am interested to get a Vita purely for the games, but currently I am not willing to sign up a 3G data plan just for it. I wonder if the quality of video streaming will be lowered as well when using 3G…
Source(s): 1Up

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