Hatsune Miku Live Party 2011 (Mikupa) [16.11.11]
Hatsune Miku Live Party 2011 (Mikupa) is a concert held at at Zepp Tokyo on 9 March 2011 and at Sapporo-shi Kyoiku Bunka Kaikan on 16 & 17 August 2011. It comes in a number of editions so pick the one that you like!
This year is definitely the year for Hatsune Miku to shine! The Miku no Hi Kanshasai 39’s Giving Day concert debuted at Zepp Tokyo on 9 March 2010. After that, another concert was held again at Zepp Tokyo exactly a year later, followed by the concert in Los Angeles during Anime Expo 2011 and then the concert in Sapporo on August. She’ll be in Singapore for a 2 hour concert on the first day of Anime Festival Asia 2011 (held on 11 November 2011)! I wanted to go SO badly, but my current lifestyle had forbid me to.
Hatsune Miku Live Party 2011 comes in CD, DVD and Bluray, each with a Regular Edition and Limited Edition and bonuses. Here is a list of editions:
- CD [Regular Edition] first press available
(bonus: B2-size poster featuring Megurine Luka) - CD [Limited Edition] first press available
(bonus: B2-size poster featuring Megurine Luka, 4 discs, 2 stickers) - DVD [Regular Edition] first press available
(bonus: B2-size poster featuring Kagamine Rin & Len, CDJapan exclusive towel) - DVD [Limited Edition] first press available
(bonus: B2-size poster featuring Kagamine Rin & Len, CDJapan exclusive towel, backstage footage, handphone strap) - Blu-ray [Regular Edition] first press available
(bonus: B2-size poster featuring Hatsune Miku, CDJapan exclusive towel) - Blu-ray [Limited Edition] first press available
(bonus: B2-size poster featuring Hatsune Miku, CDJapan exclusive towel, backstage footage, nendoroid charm)
CD Title: Hatsune Miku Live Party 2011 Live CD [Regular Edition]
Catalog Number: MKPC-2001
Release Date: 16 November 2011
Retail Price: 3,780 yen
Purchase at: CDJapan first press available
CD Title: Hatsune Miku Live Party 2011 Live CD [Limited Edition]
Catalog Number: MKPC-1001
Release Date: 16 November 2011
Retail Price: 3,990 yen
Purchase at: CDJapan first press available
DVD Title: Hatsune Miku Live Party 2011 Live (Mikupa) [Regular Edition]
Catalog Number: MKPD-2001
Release Date: 16 November 2011
Retail Price: 4,830 yen
Purchase at: CDJapan first press available
Blu-ray Title: Hatsune Miku Live Party 2011 Live (Mikupa) [Regular Edition]
Catalog Number: MKPB-2001
Release Date: 16 November 2011
Retail Price: 5,985 yen
Purchase at: CDJapan first press available
DVD Title: Hatsune Miku Live Party 2011 Live (Mikupa) DVD [Limited Edition]
Catalog Number: MKPD-1001
Release Date: 16 November 2011
Retail Price: 6,825 yen
Purchase at: CDJapan first press available
Blu-ray Title: Hatsune Miku Live Party 2011 Live (Mikupa) Blu-ray [Limited Edition]
Catalog Number: MKPB-1001
Release Date: 16 November 2011
Retail Price: 7,770 yen
Purchase at: CDJapan first press available

What u mean by current lifestyle?? Thought ppl cannot go bec of $$.
zenical Reply:
November 9th, 2011 at 12:47 pm
I think because he’s in NS now. lol
Andrew Reply:
November 10th, 2011 at 8:34 am
Ouch, understand.
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