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Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle ED – Hologram [23.11.11]

Written by: on 17 November 2011 at 12:18 pm No Comment

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Hologram is the ED for the anime series, Phi Brain: Kami no Puzzle. The ED is sang by Natsumi Kiyoura. Single would be released for sale on 23 November 2011.

Track-listing of Hologram

  1. ホログラム
  2. 月の裏側
  3. ホログラム [Instrumental Ver.]
  4. 月の裏側 [Instrumental Ver.]

Single Title: Hologram
Catalog Number: VTCL-35118
Release Date: 23 November 2011
Retail Price
: 1,155 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

I actually found the actual ED video but it was removed, you gotta make do with the one below >_<.

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