[Gamescom 2012] Resident Evil 6: Leon Gameplay
Written by: zenical on 17 August 2012 at 12:40 am
One Comment
Tags: Game Trailer, PS3, Resident Evil 6, Xbox 360
Seems like the gameplay I have seen earlier on but the official YouTube channel of Resident Evil 6 has uploaded this as the gameplay of Leon from Gamescom 2012 =/

Game will be out on 4 October 2012. Preorder yours below:
Game Title: [PS3] Biohazard 6 [Region Japan]
Catalog Number: BLJM-60405
Release Date: 4 October 2012
Retail Price: 7,990 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan
Game Title: [Xbox 360] Biohazard 6 [Region Japan]
Catalog Number: JES1-236
Release Date: 4 October 2012
Retail Price: 7,990 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

So… nudity huh? What’re we talking, full frontal hot girl nudity, or creepy mutated I-can’t-tell-what-that-is nudity? If it’s #2, that shouldn’t count.
Neither should showing Leon’s ass. ;p
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