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Little Busters Anime To Cover Everything; Even If 26 Episodes Is Not Enough

Written by: on 1 November 2012 at 4:08 pm 2 Comments

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How much is enough? Surely when you catch an anime adaptation series you shouldn’t be expecting it to cover “everything”. Because that’s how it is.

Little Busters! producer, Kohei Kawase has revealed in a discussion on the 222nd episode of the radio show, Nora Inu Kyōdai no Gyōkai Jiji Hōdan that he is intending to cover all the original Little Busters! visual novel in the ongoing anime.

26 episodes is not enough, but Kawase claimed that once the 26th episode has aired, we’ll understand what he is talking about. They’re making sure to do the route of the girl you love. So what is this exactly?

A movie? Or ..?

The anime series is currently airing. So be sure to catch it! I’m only catching it becaues of the seiyuu and nothing else. LOL.

Source: ANN

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  • yunamon said:



  • Coraphise said:

    I’m betting on a 2nd season of Little Busters to cover another route of the game – and repeat for each route.


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