An anime adaptation of the light novel series Black Bullet was confirmed as announced at the Dengeki Bunko Fall Festival 2013 event on Sunday. The main seiyuu cast has been unveiled:
- Yuuki Kaji as Rentarō Satomi
- Rina Hidaka as Enju Aihara
- Rikiya Koyama as Kagetane Hiruko
Plot Summary
A near future, where humans have been defeated by the viral parasites named Gastrea. They have been exiled into a small territory and live in despair, side by side with terror.
In this world trapped in darkness—
Rentaro, a boy living near Tokyo and member of the “Civil Security” – an organization specializing in fighting against the Gastrea – is used to accomplishing dangerous tasks. His partner is Enju, a precocious young girl. They fight thanks to their peculiar powers until one day, when they receive a special assignment from the government. This top secret mission is to prevent the destruction of Tokyo…
Set in a near future, this thrilling heroic-action story… starts now!
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