Kakumeiki Valvrave S2 ED2 – Akai Memories wo Anata ni [11.12.13]

Single release from Momoko Kanade, titled Akai Memories wo Anata ni is the 2nd ED for the second season of anime series Kakumeiki Valvrave. Will be out on 11 December 2013. Only one edition available for preorder.

Track-listing of Akai Memories wo Anata ni

  1. 赤いメモリーズをあなたに
  2. Can you save my heart?
  3. 赤いメモリーズをあなたに (off vocal version)
  4. Can you save my heart? (off vocal version)

Single Title: Akai Memories wo Anata ni
Catalog Number: KICM-3270
Release Date: 11 December 2013
Retail Price
: 1,200 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

I like anime, music and seiyuu. Fan of fripSide, Kalafina, Sachika Misawa, Nana Mizuki, SCANDAL, StylipS, Yui Horie, YUI and yuikaori.

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