Akuma no Riddle Vol.2 [16.07.14]

Volume 2 release of the anime series Akuma no Riddle will be out on 16 July 2014. Contains Episodes 3-4. Two editions available for preorder: Blu-ray and DVD.

Plot Summary

The “Class Black,” 10th Grade of Myōjō Academy is composed of 12 assassins disguised as students and one target: Haru Ichinose. Fully aware of being the prey, Ichinose vows to survive assassination attempts and graduate from the school alive. One of the assassins, Tokaku Azuma, has started building up feelings for Ichinose and switched side to become her protector. Together they have to face the onslaught from their classmates of 11 assassins.

Anime Title: [Blu-ray] Akuma no Riddle Vol.2
Catalog Number:
Release Date: 16 July 2014
Retail Price
: 7,182 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

Anime Title: [DVD] Akuma no Riddle Vol.2
Catalog Number:
Release Date: 16 July 2014
Retail Price
: 6,048 yen
Preorder at: CDJapan

I like anime, music and seiyuu. Fan of fripSide, Kalafina, Sachika Misawa, Nana Mizuki, SCANDAL, StylipS, Yui Horie, YUI and yuikaori.

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